Monday, June 18, 2012


Mary Roll
Today we began exploring the characteristics of shape. There are two umbrella terms for the different types of shapes, Geometric (man-made shapes governed by the rules of mathematics) and Organic shapes (shapes from nature).  Geometric shapes can be rectilinear and curvilinear with very regular proportions whereas Organic shapes are irregular like bones, rocks and leaves. Biomorphic, or amoebic shapes, fall under the category of organic. After drawing a Shape Inventory in sketchbooks, students made drawings of one of the following families: rectangular, triangular or biomorphic.

The drawing above is an example of the biomorphic family. The irregular, wavey contours are indicative of crustaceans or sea shells. The rippling lines and overlapping forms add depth to the composition whereas the dark spots help in establishing a rhythm and movement.

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