Monday, October 20, 2014

VALUE: 3-D space

Friday students started paintings with the objective of creating the illusion of depth or three-dimensional space. Each painting must include a value scale within the composition. In the painting above the value scale is within the tunnel-like arcing bands. The technique within the cubes is more akin to atmospheric perspective.

Monday, October 13, 2014

VALUE: Two-dimensional Space

Cody Wilson
Last Friday the class began addressing Value and Space. The painting above is an example of two-dimensional space. In 2-d space the pictorial depth is limited. Attention is place on the surface of the picture plane rather than creating the illusion of depth. Although unfinished, Cody's painting has addressed the four values of the project and established a rhythm between them. Notice how your eyes are lead from one shape of a particular value to the next. Remember that we look for similarity within shapes, values, colors, textures, etc.

Monday, October 6, 2014

VALUE: Rhythm and Repetition

James Christenson
Last Friday we began our investigation of the art element VALUE. The objective was to create a continuous field composition applying values to the shapes according to the demands of the design. Each student started with 2 to 3 stencils that were traced to overlap and fill the page creating large and small shapes. Lines were then erased, added and moved to strengthen the composition. Although Jame's drawing is unfinished, you can see that he has already begun to balance the composition by applying similar tonalities across the paper. This will ensure a more balanced composition rather than if he had just started working across the paper left to right.

*The class will next Friday's morning session to complete these drawings.