Friday, July 25, 2014


Here is just a small sample of the great work completed by the Art 3 Class of Summer 2014. Thank you to the whole class and enjoy the remainder of your summer.
Ashley Gunderson

Belen Chavez Silva

David Acevedo

Emiko Ogasawara

Lara Omopariola

Merrill Vargo

Nancy Aguilar
Carson Blodow

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Ambiguous Space Project

The class finished work on the final project yesterday. Today we will critique the paintings and take a quiz.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Ambiguous Space Project

Monica Contreras
The class continued working on their final projects yesterday. Today will be a studio day as well. Tomorrow is a non-work day. We will critique the final projects and take our quiz.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

PARALINE VIEWS: Ambiguous Space Project

On Monday the class began making sketches using oblique views and isometric views of cubes. Tuesday and Wednesday will be dedicated to painting the designs.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

LINEAR PERSPECTIVE: Two- point (cont.)

Carson Blodow
On Thursday the class completed their two-point linear perspective drawings. Carson's drawing above illustrates the process with a well balanced design with repeating circles and cones throughout the composition. Notice how your eye is lead around the structure changing tempo as the edges move from exterior contours to more linear elements, such as the centrally located zig-zag. In addition, there is a secondary rhythm located in the repeated use of the invented textures.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Yesterday the class began working on their two-point linear perspective drawings. We will critique them at the end of the day and turn them in with the portfolios.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Ashley Gunderson
Yesterday the class began working with One-Point Linear Perspective. In one-point perspective all parallel diagonal lines must converge at a single vanishing  point. In Ashley's drawing above the vanishing point is located in the center of the paper.
The class will continue working on these for part of today adding value and texture. In addition, we will discuss Two-Point Linear Perspective before the day is over.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


On Monday students continued working on their color studies. We critiqued the paintings at the end of class. After the critique, we discussed the characteristics of Texture. In addition, the list for projects to include in portfolios was posted. See tab above for the list.

Friday, July 11, 2014


Yesterday the class continued working on the color schemes project. More time will be given on Monday to complete the project and to improve those already completed.

Thursday, July 10, 2014


Amanda Edgar: Monochromatic (Warm)
Yesterday the class continued working on their color schemes project. Amanda's painting above is an example of a warm, monochromatic color scheme in red. Remember that adding white or black to a color only changes its value and not the hue. Notice how these additions to red alter the color making it appear like more than one color was applied.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

VALUE: Deep Space

Brian Watts
Yesterday students finished up their shallow space compositions and started a deep space or 3-dimensional space painting.  Unlike 2-dimensional or shallow space which concentrates on the surface, the elements within a deep space will appear to recede into the picture plane. Stronger contrasts in value will yield a deeper sense of space. In Brian's painting above, depth is achieved by the use of a gradation in the background as well as the size change of the cubes (bigger in the foreground, smaller in the background). Students will have the first hour of class to finish their paintings before the critique and we move onto COLOR.

Monday, July 7, 2014

VALUE: Shallow Space

Merrill Vargo
Last Wednesday the class made value studies with the objective of creating a limited or shallow space. Shallow space compositions concentrate on the surface of the picture plane often flattening the elements. Notice in Merrill's painting above how the tonalities change in value as the shapes overlap and cross the composition. This allows the positive and negative areas to trade roles as well thus making the space ambiguous and flattened.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

VALUE: Rhythm and Repetition

Students spent yesterday working on the R & R project. All of the drawings needed more time. I will collect the work next Monday and post pictures then. Update:Here is a very dynamic composition from Belen. The image is crammed with puckering squares and rectangles. Notice how the overlapping areas also add triangles into the mix. The drawing is filled with energy and shimmers like exploding highlights on a shiny, wet surface.
Belen Chavez Silva

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

VALUE: Rhythm and Repetition

Yesterday students began working with Value; the gradations between black and white. The Rhythm and Repetition project is a two day project started yesterday and will be finished by the end of class today.