Tuesday, June 21, 2011

NOTAN: Expansion of the Square and Compositional Compartments

Katie Bart

Brennan Chin
This morning began with a brief discussion on the Japanese word "Notan"; meaning dark and light.  The theory behind Notan is: positive and negative areas should complement one another. They must coexist without one dominating the other.
The project was to make a collage from a 5 in. square piece of black paper.  The directions were to make a symmetrical image with one dominant shape while maintaining the integrity of the square and to use all pieces  (i.e. no waste).
Next we started on a two part project.  The first part was to create a "ground" of (5) rectangular shapes. Each shape would be one of three values: white, black, or gray. No two shapes can be the same size and no two same values can touch. Some students used dark and light colors instead of black and gray. Students will execute part two tomorrow.
Sierra Iverson

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