Monday, September 29, 2014

COMPOSITION: Parts of the Puzzle

Circe Ament
Last Friday the class made a series of (6) compositional studies using the same (3) elements with a limitation of no more than (6) positive shapes per composition. The objective was to create the most varied and dynamic arrangements while trying to invent new shapes. The strength in Circe's collages above lies in her division of the negative areas. The most successful pieces are those with the large brown shapes. These compositions exhibit the most attention to balancing the positive and negative areas.

Monday, September 22, 2014

NOTAN: Positive and Negative Tension

Chani Spitzer-Christenson

Circe Ament
Friday morning began with a collage controlling the tension in the positive and negative areas. Notan was the final objective. In order for the collage to be successful, the positive and negative areas must be able to reverse rolls. On the one hand the white areas are seen as positive and on the other hand the black areas must be seen as positive with white negatives. In Chani's collage we are initially drawn to the convex white shapes before moving to the black strips. In Circe's collage we notice the animated arms of the white areas and there potential to reach and grab. The strength of the black strips lies within their interior cuts and strong sense of weight.
The afternoon project was twofold 1. make a grid of rectangles using three contrasting values 2. place distorted shapes of an original form (the fork) striving to achieve Notan.

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Scott Russell
Yesterday the class explored the relationships between positive and negative areas of a composition. The project (Expansion of the Square) forces the artist to address both positive and negative areas by cutting shapes from a square and reversing them creating mirror images in white and black. There is no waste or left over pieces. Scott's design above is a very dynamic and rhythmic composition. The shapes appear to twist and form a circle within the square.
Rukhsana Kamal
Rukhsana's design illustrates the concept of NOTAN (the perfect balance between dark and light, neither shape trying to dominate the other). There are three criteria for Notan 1. The negative area must be enclosed creating an interesting shape. 2. The image must be reversible; the black and white areas my swap values without changing the balance. 3. The positive and negative areas must be able to trade roles; positive seen as negative and negative seen as positive. In the design above, the flower may be seen both as solids as well as cut-outs in a screen.
Gianna Davy
At the end of class students made asymmetrical designs based on the same concepts. Gianna's dynamic and flowing image is reminiscent of a figure in motion with outstretched arms and legs.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

LINE: The Illusion of Space

Yesterday's class began with a review of the Distal Cues and an introduction to the Principles of Design (more info under the tabs above). After making a series of compositional studies exploring the application of the Distal Cues and Design Principles, the most successful compositions were redrawn on Bristol board and rendered with vertical or horizontal parallel lines. The drawing above illustrates a well balanced composition with at least 4 to 5 layers of depth complemented with rich, contrasting values. In addition, the use of accented line makes this drawing particularly strong and visually interesting.