Yesterday class began with a discussion on the characteristics and qualities of different kinds of
Line. The first drawing was an inventory of four different kinds of line. Hayley's drawing below illustrates straight lines and curved lines with varying degrees of velocity. The dynamics increase in power and intensity towards the bottom of the paper. Notice how the changes in format influence the stretching, pulling and compacting of the lines within.
Hayley Irvin |
The second drawing focused on straight lines, curved lines, angular lines and the combination of all. Sarah's drawing clearly illustrates how thicker lines advance in space while thinner lines recede. The spaces with one type of line are very unified whereas the combination of different lines adds variety and dynamics increasing the visual interest of the images.
Sarah Greathouse |
We finished the day with a series of line drawings addressing shape, texture and depth within a composition. Tayler's drawing is an example of a symmetrically balanced composition with accented lines around the circles reinforcing their position in space. In addition, the rows of circles implies a linear path. The horizontal lines add texture as well as value increasing the sense of depth. Note how the lines get closer together as they recede.
Tayler Marsh |
Heather's drawing is asymmetrically balanced. Depth is created primarily by overlapping forms and changing the size from large to small. The parallel lines on the frame shapes add texture and value providing a surface that stands apart from the background.
Heather Monnot-Griffith |